Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Family Retreat - Part II (PANGKOR)

last 13th Jan 2014; me & my dad (bwk 2 kete sbb 1 kete x muat - 6 dewasa + 1 budak kecik) drove to Lumut Jetty via Sungkai (toll still at RM 15.70). 'as usual', we parked our car at the Parking Bertingkat. seriously, the parking rate has been increased from 40c per hour to 70c. naakkk jugak naikkan rege tu ye. 
actually we just missed the scheduled ferry (at 11am) that supposed to go direct to the Pangkor Island Beach Resort Jetty (shared with Teluk Dalam Resort). but then, for additional ticket of RM10/return ticket; we have to take the public ferry from the Terminal Jetty, Lumut to Pangkor Jetty (the 2nd jetty-stop in Pangkor). but never mind, at least i can show my family to see the Pangkor Jetty + shopping + rent a car. we rented an auto Wira car @RM 80 for 24hrs usage, sponsored by Abah (thanks Abah! love you). it is not easy to find car rental in this island compared with motorbike, so we just take whatever available. then, i drove to Teluk Dalam Resort, from 'South to North' of the island (taking a small, winding and hill road) for 30mins. by the way, there's another jetty from the mainland which is Marina at Teluk Batik. but i haven't yet try to experience taking a ferry from there. 
among my family, only me and Along have been here, to Pangkor. But Along was stayed at an expensive 5 star Pangkor Laut Resort before, located at the other small island next to Pangkor. the rate? i think the cheapest we can get is RM700++ per room per night
route #1 dkt sket tp agak bahaya, berbukit, sempit
route #2 jauh sket tp slmt, rata, coastal

i've booked 2 rooms at TELUK DALAM RESORT , one is Cempaka Bungalow Garden View @RM230
for my parents, my brother, and my sister with her son. while me and Along stayed at Tanjung Chalet Garden View (nearby beach) @RM190. Cempaka Bungalow is a 2-bedroom bungalow with a balcony, living room, small kitchen and 2 bathroom. it is at a 'hill' area, not too close with my room. whereas my room is nearby the beach, also with balcony and 1 bathroom. 
because of we are taking a little boy in this group, Umar Darwish; i'd pre-organized meals : 2x served lunch and 1x BBQ buffet dinner at the hotel. easier! lunch cost is RM30 per person while RM35 for the Dinner. fortunately, they are serving a BBQ dinner (without additional cost ~ Alhamdulillah), or else the cost is RM50 per person. 
Tanjung Chalet

Cempaka Bungalow 

after freshen-up (bile cuaca da redup sket), i'm taking them out for a Round Island Tour to the Dutch Fort and shopping at Pangkor Jetty. Dutch Fort - was a tin storage, attacked & destroyed by Malays in 1690 cause Malays forced the Dutch to leave Perak. then, the Dutch asked for compensation but denied by Peraks. then Perak surrounded & launched surprise attacked on the Dutch. this place has been gazetted as ancient monuments in 1973. (ini sypnosis sy, ini yg sy paham.... sorry, kurang minat sejarah)
we drop-by at Kilang Satay - just to introduce some dried seafood to my family. but apparently, items at Pangkor Jetty much cheaper than those sells in the factory. how come?

we were planning to swim at the hotel's seashore, but unfortunately... the water is not clean and my body get itchy after that. maybe because of the red seaweed or it is close to the jetty. and then, we decided to spend our quality time at the swimming pool.
nampak x? itulah jetty plg dekat dgn resort

returning KL, i'm using an alternative road Lumut>Sabak Bernam>Kuala Selangor>Guthrie-Rawang. enroute, i stopped at Cendol Bakar, Kg Assam Jawa, Kuala Selangor. sounds interesting? yeah, the taste also good. 

rase2 nye kurang lebih, we have spent around RM1,500++

an outdated updates, i received a notice letter from resort informing that they are shutting down the whole resort for refurbishment from 15th June 2014... (until further notice). it is an order from the State Economic Development Corporation. oh ya, the hotel's flyer:-

ok, ready for cite serrramm???

nothing serious actually. me & my sister (Along) slept as usual. maybe around 11pm or maybe earlier cause we had nothing to do and our room is a bit far from the rest. however, in the morning, i woke up and went to the toilet. ok........ when i get off from the toilet and went back to the bed, i saw our main door was opened a bit. my sister was stunned and we both kept silence and gulping. till i break the silent and asked her "did you open that door?" she said she's about to ask me the same question. as i remembered, i closed the door properly on the other night. then, i bravely just shut off the door and we both remain silent. 
it is still a mystery up till now. are we forgot to close the door? or the resort people accidentally opens our door and forgot to close it again? it cant be opened by one of the in-house guest. isn't it? something went wrong with the lock? sooo mystical incident.. is it because of our hotel is located not too far from the elves area (as i heard). i just dont know. Alhamdulillah no other thing happens...

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