Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Visit Perak year 2012 - 24hrs PANGKOR Trip

cm tak caye jek aku managed to spent my 24hrs to Pangkor. thought it is impossible, cause my sister n frenz bgtau tak sempat. they all siap tdo sane 2mlm lg.. well, it was a last minute decision, and i did it... Successfully 

last 13th Jan, we took off early. set time - 5:55am. Let's hit Pangkor!!

dont worry if you dont know how to get there, cause there's plenty of signboard. carik "Lumut". so, basically from my place, lalu mont kiara (tol PLUS) ke utara. exit ada byk, Slim River, Sungkai or Bidor (utk org dr arah utara). After one and half hour, sampai exit Slim River tuh (amek exit plg dkt) tym tu tepat kul 7:15pg

along the way, i really did enjoyed the scenery. leh nmpk Genting Highland (lampu2 bercahaya atas bukit), sunrise kt Banjaran Titiwangsa (tulang blkg M'sia), ada pemancar radio lama, pokok2 kelapa tepi jalan, bukit tiga segi, yg plg best! jeng jeng jeng... sawah padi. (8:30am) wow! first time in my life tgok bendang real dpn mata. well, southern part takde sawah =( so ktrg benti tepi kejap.. bile line clear, ktrg curik setangkai padi, it's really fun!. padi tu da masak, so aku kopek satu-persatu. seriously crunchy and fresh!! tak caye, boleh try sendirik

UPDATE : orang cakap Johor ada sawah laaa. kat area Sungai Mati/Kangkar/Kundang katanya. ntah kat mana la plak tempat2 tuh

9:05am, ktrg smpai ke Pangkor Terminal Jetty - Waterfront Promenade to be exact. ada makcik tu promote ticket dia. murahhh! RM 10 per person for return ferry. kan?? da ckp da murah. ferry to Pangkor sng nk dpt, tak mcm Tioman. every half an hour ada ferry. journey to the island pon only takes about half an hour to 45mins. gile dekat... learnt from mistake, do NOT take the front seat if u r traveling by ferry.  ferry yg ktrg amek ni is the 2nd ferry (public) depart at 9:45am. the earliest is at 9:15am.

ktrg turun kat 2nd jetty (Pangkor jetty); yg 1st - Sg Pinang jetty name dia; 3rd n last - jetty Pangkor Laut. kat situ la kakak aku stay last month dgn opismate dia.

we are here! at 10:30am

ktrg da booked motor kat makcik td tuh. RM30 per bike; kena return kul 5pm. so ape lagi? vromm vromm la ktrg. dpt motor kriss ok la, sbb jalan kat sini kecik n berbukit bukau. klu scoot saket sket la nk naek bukit. pulak tu minyak full tank, jimat wei tak pyah topup minyak... dah la agak ssh nk jmpe kdai jual minyak kat sini. sume org bg direction ntah pape. kdai minyak tu wujud ker tak? those yg tak pndai bwk motor (mcm aku) leh nek van pink dorg. alalahai sweet nye kaler pink. tapi.... berdesup! Lajuuuu

ktrg round the island ikut arah jam (clockwise). our first stop is visiting the Dutch Fort & Batu Bersurat kat Kg Teluk Kecik and Kg Teluk Gedung. memandangkan aku tak gemar 'sejarah' aku pegi tmp2 cmni hanya utk bergambar. according to written history, Dutch Fort ni tmp org2 Belanda simpan bijih timah. one-day, local people bakar bangunan ni. yg Batu Bersurat tu lak ada symbol Belanda "OVC", ada gambar rimau ngah baham org and ada tulisan yg maksud dia "If Carlo 1743". for more details, click here.10:35am - 10:55am

lunch dlu kat area2 tuh. ade org tebar roti canai, ada gak org jual ikan segar dr laut.. mkn kat sini standard rate. as long as bukan double price than KL kire ok la kan

ke Pasir Bogak (tak ramai org lepaks sini, tak tau kenapa) and ke Teluk Nipah (haaa kat sini ramai, terlalu ramai). aku tak suke sgt tmp ramai2 org nih, nnt tak enjoy and no privacy. so ktrg lepaking kat Coral Bay, (11:55am) sblh Teluk Nipah. sini byk foreigner. ada topless ke? tak perasan la plak. ktrg plan nk snorkeling, kayaking and island hoping. but since air laut ngah surut, rase cm rugi lak. yela, the following week would be Chinese New Year, mmg ngah musim panas. ktrg amek Island Hoping jek. amek private punye, tak main la share2... ktrg just paid for RM50 per boat for an hour (means RM25 per person). tak silap aku, klu amek yg share2 pye @RM45 per person, include snorkeling + island hoping + banana boat.

12:15noon: seronok beb naek speed boat nih, abg tu siap senget2 kan bot lagi. cuak gak aku sbb tak pndai swim. by the way, some area sgt2 cetek. leh nmpk pasir, leh nmpk timun laut dr atas boat and ktrg leh nmpk obor2... seriously! can see the rock formation: ada bentuk penyu, buaya, ikan paus, kaki org tgh baring... then, boat driver ktrg tu bwk jalan2 jaoh sket. klu nek boat besar tak leh pegi tmp2 tuh. jgn jeles r. pastu dia bwk ktrg ke satu tmp "middle of nowhere" hahaha ada byk tiang2. tmp ape ntah ni, mcm ada office, tapi tak de org. scary? takpe, siang lagi. ada byk giler landak laut. besar2 lak tuh. aku request abg tu utk close-up. cian aku tgok dia terkial2 nak amek, cause klu kena duri dia, pergh!!! bisa dia berbulan bru recovered tau. abg tu kluarkan landak laut tu pkai diving fin. then dia tarik duri dia, dah ok letak atas palm. dia ckp duri2 belah bwh tak pape, tak tajam n takde bisa... nk try? risky kot. lps kan blk dlm laut, bye bye sea urchin (pelik gak name dia in english, klu nama saintific lak Echinoidea)

slps sejam duk dlm boat, abg tu tye "nk swimming tak? abg hantar ke Man Bay, nk?" "ok gak". (12:45noon)
oh ya, klu dr Coral Bay or Teluk Nipah, can view the Giam Island, kecik jek... but most of visitor snorkeling kat sini la. Monkey Bay tu lak kat Mentangor Island. tmp yg byk tiang2 tu lak kat the other side of Monkey Bay. leh imagine tak?

matahari ngah mencacak atas kepala dan aku yg ngah jaga kulit a.k.a puteri lilin ni just duk bwh pokok tgok group2 lain mandi manda. ish, x sayang kulit ke they all nih? gelap tu xpe, tp bile part kulit mengelupas tu saket wo. lantak dorg r. aku nk tdo atas batu jek. hmmm syok jugak, smbil layan bunyik ombak rindu. (yela, skrg kan ngah fenomena movie ombak rindu tuh).

dlm kul 2:15pm, aku rase cm nk adventure sket. ktrg balik ke Coral Bay lalu batu-batuan.. mmg mencabar, tp 20minit yg berbaloi. konon2 nk extreme laaa. tembus kat temple mane ntah, 2:35pm; bru ternmpk abg boat nk pegi pick up ktrg. aiseyyy lupe nk call. xpela, sebaek abg tu baik + responsible. name dia ktrg lupe nk tye, ni contact number dia 012-4554578. dia ade gak pakej2 lain; kayaking, snorkeling... lupe la ape lagi, harga pon aku da lupe. for those who prefer privacy and better services, leh contact abg tuh.

start meronggeng balik ke Teluk Nipah. bkn jaoh pon, pantai sblh jek. kat sini ramai org, happening and byk kedai. nk jugak spend money beli souvenir2. mcm2 ada; as usual T-shirt, key chain, fridge magnet, ada gak buntal mcm yg aku beli kat Tioman; tp x secantik Tioman pye.

meneruskan meronggeng... to north and back to east. berbekalkan maps kecik pemberian makcik ferry, ktrg explore Pangkor Island ni. pass by the airport, kecik jek tp bersih. maybe masih beroperasi cause maybe some of private jet ade landing kat sini. bukan jek jln bukit bukau, kiri kanan hutan jek. those org putih suke la tmp2 cmni, jalan2 kecik pon dorg nk masok, nk explore. good for them. lps airport tu ade T junction. ktrg try ke kiri... ada byk rumah tp klu troz lg nih mcm dead-end, maybe msok hutan. so patah balik amek yg kanan lak. ada resort besar giler kat situ, Telok Dalam Resort. tp klu tgok rate dia xdela mahal sgt, still affordable. nxt tym leh la stay kat sini, cause harga dia jaoh lebih murah dr Pangkor Laut Resort.

jam kat tangan kul 3:40pm; we pass by ship making factory. interesting tgok kayu kayan yg digunakan. x drop by cause byk anjing2 berkeliaran. dorg leh siapkan 1 huge ship in few months that can cost the buyer dlm ribuan ringgit. kaya org2 Pangkor nih. after that, ktrg singgah kat Kilang Satay. owner dia chinese, tp staff dia ada yg Muslim and ada cop HALAL kat sume product dia. ok, boleh dipercayai. kat sini ada mcm2 jenis makanan; from dried food, raw food and juck food; sume seafood based. my fereved, Dahfa ikan slice2 kecik tuh and satay ikan. i also bought salted fish for my mom. since sini kilang dia, sini lg murah klu di compare dgn kat terminal Pangkor and terminal Lumut. mmg kat sane lg byk competitor and harga sume kedai x same, kena survey sblum beli.. but for me, beli kat kilang dia ni lg puas hati. lgpon, kat sini ada mcm2 bnda pelik yg kt x kn jmpe kat kedai2 biase tau. ada perot ikan (ada mcm2 bentok), gamat kering, ikan masin mcm2 jenis ikan etc.

kul 4pm sharp, ktrg ternmpak Galeri Pangkor. kali ni aku lak yg excited nk tgok2 brg sejarah. xde entrance fee nk masok mini museum nih... we are still in a Destinasi Bajet. x sangka byk brg2 lama kat dlm nih. highlights: sejarah psl Perjanjian Pangkor 1874, mith psl Puteri Dewi 3 bersaudara.. psl Puteri ni aku da lupa, x berani nk ckp. tp mmg x jmpe kat google. rugi la plak x record si kurator bercerita tym tuh. hmmm nk wat cmne, battery camera da low sgt, x charge mlm sebelumnye - surprise trip la katakan... =p stgh jam study psl sejarah Pangkor. tapi... hapa pon x masok dlm kepala..

4:45pm, ktrg smpai jetty terminal... ada lg 15mins to spare before nk return moto sewa ni. so, jln2 further up 150m.. ada 2 baris kedai2. sume brg2 yg lebey kurang jek.. t-shirt, dried seafood, souvenir.. tp aku menyopping gak. beli halia madu n air rumpai laut (2 perisa: cincau n chrysanthemum - cincau sedap!). were back to the terminal, pulangkan motor to MrEric 012-5747610; dia ckp klu nk sewa kete RM80. refresh kat public toilet. nk naek ferry kul 5lebey. eh eh ada boboy r. guess who? Harun Salim Bachik la. i smiling at him and he smiles back. =)

5:10pm, we already in the ferry. another short journey, but this time back to the mainland. 6:50pm, smpai sudah ke Waterfront Pavilion. xde mood nk shopping2, just nk mkn ABC before headed to parking area. hahaha murah giler parking kat sini. 40cents per hour. 9am - 7pm ktrg park, byr 4 hengget jek lalalalala. kan best klu KL pon cmnih.

xnk blk KL lg. ke Teluk Intan kami. teringin nk tgok menara condong. 8:45pm; arrive Teluk Intan city centre. kat area menara ni ada ala2 downtown. not buying anything, sbb lapar yg amat. looking for local cuisine definitely. we ordered satay ayam + daging, popiah basah and yong tau fu. sedap gak. consider our dinner la ni. sbb terlalu penat, x de appetite nk mkn berat.

aku da xlarat sgt, so aku tertidur dlm kete. sedar2 jek da smpai R&R Tg Malim (arah utara). both of us mmg da x larat. kaw2 pye ktrg tdo. sebaek seat kete aku sgt2 comfortable. ujan lebat kt luar pon aku x sedar. kul 2am, ktrg terjaga. mandi kat R&R tuh, and kali ni aku lak drive smpai KL. bayar tol RM15.70, lebey sket dr yg going sbb kali ni exit Sungkai. yeah! smpai KL!! tepat2 kul 6am.  
means 6am (14th Jan) - 6am (15th Jan). 
mission accomplish!

lepak kat mamak area umah aku jap, kire balik total cost:-
 Fuel   : RM 57.40 (full tank - skali isi jek)
 Jajan  : RM 15.00 (bfast dlm kete)
 Tol     : RM 13.20 (exit Slim River)
 Tiket  : RM 20.00 (return for 2 pax)
 Motor: RM 30.00 (sewa 7 jam)
 Lunch : RM 10.50 (mkn nasik kat kedai tepi jalan)
 Boat   : RM 50.00 (island hoping)
 Air      : RM 10.00 (and ice-cream)
 Brg     : RM 20.00 (souvenir)
 Snack : RM 10.00 (dried seafood+salted fish)
 Park'g : RM  4.00 (40c per hour)
 Dinner : RM 15.00 (satay, popiah, yong tau fu)
 Tol      : RM 15.70 (exit Sungkai)
 Bfast   : RM   6.00 (kat mamak)
TOTAL : RM 276.80
kalah destinasi bajet nih. kuang kuang kuang

silalah click PERAK entry ni for more pictures

Happy Federal Day to all KL workers

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