One item
Robi ni jidou hanbaiki ga arimasu... Lobby has vending machine
Two items
Kouen ni ki to hana ga arimasu... Park has tree and flower
More items
Reizouko ni sakana ya niku ya yasui nado ga arimasu... Fridge has fish, meat, vegetables and etc
PLACE no LOCATION ni OBJECT ga arimasu
Konbiki no naka ni ATM ga arimasu... Inside convenience store has an ATM machine
OBJECT wa PLACE no LOCATION ni arimasu
ATM wa konbiki no naka ni arimasu... ATM machine is inside the convenience store
Teberu no ue ni o-kane ga arimasu... On the table, there is money
O-kane wa teberu no ue ni arimasu... Money is on the table
Hon no shita ni syashin ga arimasu... Under the book, there is photo
Syashin wa hon no shita ni arimasu... Photo is below the book
Hako no naka ni hasami ga arimasu... Inside the box, there's a scissors
Hasami wa hako no naka ni arimasu... Scissors is inside the box
Uchi no soto ni niwa ga arimasu... Outside house, there's a garden
Niwa wa uchi no soto ni arimasu... Garden is outside the house
Doa no migi ni beddo ga arimasu... Right of the door, there's a bed
Beddo wa doa no migi ni arimasu... Bed is on the right of the door
Mado no hidari ni hon tana ga arimasu... Left of the window, there's a bookshelf
Hon tana wa mado no hidari ni arimasu... Bookshelf is on the left of the window
Ginko no mae ni hon ya ga arimasu...In front of the bank, there's a bookstore
Hon ya wa ginko no mae ni arimasu... Bookstore is in front of the bank
Mise no ushiro ni ike ga arimasu... Behind the small shop, there's a lake
Ike wa mise no ushiro ni arimasu... Lake is behind the small shop
Konpyu-ta- to raji-o no aida ni hocchikisu ga arimasu... In between of computer and radio, there's a stapler
Hocchikisu wa konpyu-ta- to raji-o no aida ni arimasu... Stapler is in between of computer and radio
Doa no tonari ni mado ga arimasu... Next to the door, there's a window
Mado wa doa no tonari ni arimasu... Window is next to the door
Eki no chikaku ni depa-to ga arimasu...Nearby station, there's department store
Depa-to wa eki no chikaku ni arimasu... Department store is near to the station
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