Saturday, January 03, 2015

Nyepi Day @ BALI

Shhhh.... Pernah dengar pasal Nyepi Day tak? kat Bali....

Nyepi Day or Silent Day is a celebration of the Balinese New Year (pernah dengar dorang also called it as Saka or Caka New Year). This year, the event will take place on Saturday, 21st March 2015. It is 24hours event; beginning from 6:00am on 21st March 2015 to 6:00am on 22nd March 2015 ~ “during the spring equinox when the sun is exactly at the equator and day and night is exactly 12 hours apart” katanya.
Similar like Awal Muharam, or Chinese New Year; this public holiday is a Hindu New Year for all Balinese. Yeap, Bali ONLY – cause 84.5% of Bali’s population are Balinese Hinduism while in Lombok, the majority are Muslim. So far, I noticed that this Nyepi Day was held on March every year: 21st March 2015, 31st March 2014, 12th March 2013, 23rd March 2012 etc. During my last visit to Bali last 4th April; I still can see the decorations on the street, temples and houses for this Nyepi Day celebration.

Nyepi tu sama macam Bahasa Melayu which is SEPI. And the most important thing about this SILENT event, there will be NO lightsNO traveling and NO activities (including cooking or eating) are allowed in the whole BALI Island. In fact, this celebration will affect the daily program.

Yeap, they said ‘No Lights’; but for foreigners actually you guys still can on the light but keep it as minimum as you can. Balinese will refrain from using fire and light and their homes and village will be in total darkness at the night.

NO travelling.
NO flights, ships and ferry services in/out of Bali from 6.00am of March 21st, 2015 to 6.00am of March 22nd, 2015. NO public transportation such as coaches, taxis, limousines will be operated during these hours.

NO activities.
All tours and performances will be cancelled and some tourism objects will be closed. The Balinese will remain indoors or with their families. No one is allowed outdoors unless instructed by the village head or priest. Same goes to tourist, you only may stay in your room or within hotel’s area only. There are PECALANGs (traditional Balinese security man) who wears a black uniform and an UDENG or DESTAR (a Balinese traditional "hat" that is usually used in ceremony). The Pecalangs main task is not only to control and to check the street security but also to stop any activities that disturb Nyepi. NO traffic is allowed, not only cars but also people. The streets are totally clear.
In addition, Balinese will fast for 24 hours and… NO sex! Service staff in hotels and essential services, including the police and fire departments also will not be at full strength (sebab puasa).

Since there will be no activities, no one is working, no shops and restaurant are open, all people are fasting, no one on the street, no one on the beach, no transportation, no radio, no TV, NOTHING! For the whole 24hrs, we only will listen to dog’s barking, sounds of insects, or maybe voice of baby’s crying… etc. I have no idea. Never experience this all my life. As far as I know, people tend to sleep for the whole day. Nahhh! Any Balinese reader want to share your experience here?

They expected the place and the people to be ‘clean’ and everything starts anew… 
lain orang lain cara. betul tak??

Below is some interesting information from my Balinese friend ~ Thanks for sharing ~ :-
“ Approaching Nyepi, on March 18th 2015, this is the starting of the celebrations and celebrated by everyone in Bali. Symbolically, it is the spring cleaning for the homes to rid them of spirits and prepare for the next day. Every village would bring out large processions to take the Gods to sea for their symbolic bath famous as “Melasti”.

The day prior to Nyepi on March 20th 2015 is called “NGERUPUK”, the great sacrificial ceremony which held all over the island of Bali. The objective is to exorcise evil spirits from humans, animals, and the island. In the evening after sunset, “OGOH – OGOH” (giant effigies) processions accompanied by gamelan musicians and people carrying torch lights marching through the villages. ”

Oh ya, last but not least… in Bali there’s also Nyepi Laut or Sea Seclusion Day. Last year was held on 9th October 2014 and this year will be on 29th September 2015. Hence, all cruise or other sea activities/products/services will be NOT operated. 

Nyepi Day 2016 will be take place on Wednesday, 09th March 2016 

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