Monday, July 14, 2014

Hellooo Bali

kalau sebelum pegi Hanoi, de news psl snow. kalau sebelum pegi Saigon, de news psl missing flight. kalau sebelum pegi Korea, de news psl flight emergency landing... sebelum pegi Bali ni, ade plak news pasal Tsunami.... Astagfirullah~~ Subhanallah~~
(pastu sebelum pegi Surabaya, ada news psl volcano eruption some more) -.-"

ke Bali lagi last 4th April 2014 (040414 - cantik tarikh ni) utk kali ke-3 nye. dah 3 tahun tak kesana. kalau rase2 nk tgok entries psl Bali yg tak berapa best.. click kat February 2011 June 2011 ni. kalau nk tgok laaa
balik2 dr Korea, next day pegi presentation, pastu troz repack brg2 pegi Bali plak. sebbaek ade byk travel baggage walaupon sume kaler pink. feeling gugurl sgt! 

ktrg split into 2 departures, group naik MAS and Malindo Air. sbb tkot2 jadik mcm MH370 tu la. flight timing yg ktrg booked lebih kurang. meals onboard on MAS sgt mendukacitakan. hangpa boleh served sandwiches ja for both sector?? agak2 r, 3 jam flight tuh. pegi KK pon leh dpt Nasi Lemak tau. i even asked Miss Stewardess pasal return flight, she said balik dpt heavy meals. itu semua dusta belaka (murka sgt nih). those yg naik Malindo mmg heaven la - sbb ktrg pre-booked meals. igt kan MAS makan lg best, but in the end yg naik Malindo lg bahagia dgn Chicken Biryani (going flight) and Nasi Uduk Empal (return). aku? aku mangsa keadaan yg naik MAS tu lah
in-flight menu by Malindo Air

well well, Bali ada new airport. modern la sket dr yg previous one. bru international gitu.
oh ya, few days before leave to Bali, kat paper de kluar psl power bank. pls DO NOT put your power bank in your check-in luggage. pls hand-carry it!
Bali airport
Bali New Airport

Program utk group ni simple dimple jek
1st day : dah sampai tu, Welcome Flower Garland > pegi lunch kat Pawon Pasundan in Tuban for 
             Sundanese Cuisine > Shopping kat Krishna Art Market > Hotel Check-in at Harris Riverview > Seminar 
             at hotel's function room. 
2nd day : xtvt pack sket. tp cover southern of Bali only. to Tanah Lot > Tanjong Benoa > Garuda Wishnu 
             Kencana (GWK) + buffet lunch > Uluwatu Temple > BBQ dinner at Jimbaran Bay
3rd a.k.a last day : free jela smpai transfer to airport and bye bye

Harris Hotel kat Bali ada byk - sume kaler orange tu. yg ktrg stayed ni, Harris Riverview is the cheapest 4 star hotel in Bali. location x bagus sgt, 20-30mins walk to Kuta Beach. kalau nk pegi Kuta Beach the best way is by taxi, x mahal sgt pon. but bare in mind, Bali byk one-way street and kat Legian/Kuta slalu macet (jammed). back to hotel's story. the owner suke kaler orange + green. bilik sgt besar, okeh siap ada living room, ada kitchenette, katil at the separate room, ada TV kat both living room and bedroom. consider as one bedroom apartment la yek. my room is private pool-access, tp tak sempat nk berendam pon... buffet dinner tu kat hotel tak best sgt, cause tak byk choices. tp yg penting, pork-free. cause Bali susah gak nk carik yang certified HALAL. Bali is famous with Babi Guling tau.. oink oink! ok, hotel ni ada byk function rooms, so mmg sesuwai sgt for Seminar / Training purposes. Harris yg paling best (and pricey), definitely Harris Kuta Beach sbb dkt dgn pantai and sblh new Beachwalk Mall. then, ada Harris Tuban (sgt dekat dgn Airport), Harris Sunset Road / Harris Raya Kuta (byk kali aku lalu lalang dpn dua hotel ni), Harris Bukit Jimbaran (lalu mse otw to Uluwatu) & Harris Seminyak (baru). apart from Bali, kat Jakarta, Bandung, Batam, Bogor and Malang pon ada Harris properties nih.

ape lagi nak cite yek? 
  • welcome garland kat Bali ni sometimes dorg bg flower, sometimes bg seashells. 
  • Krishna Art Market ada byk outlet jugak. for me, this is the cheapest place for souvenirs, plus clean. ada box wrapping services jugak and outlet yg dkt dgn Airport tu bukak up till midnight. harga pass (fixed price), taleh bargain. 
  • training on that night, we are using Bridge ICD; the professional trainer, Mr David Tan is a friendly and funny person. mmg recommended
  • ada kejadian customer 'hilang' kat Tanah Lot. mmg @#%^$ btol. dia menghilangkan diri semata2 psl pulsa (topup) issue. aku carik dia almost for an hour
  • 1st time aku ke Tanjung Benoa actually. lalu above-the-sea flyover & highway. ingat dihati nk cuba parasailing sbb murah kat sane IDR120,000 jek. kat M'sia beratus hengget kot. tp disebabkan kehilangan org tu kite da behind the schedule, sume org dah lapar... so troz shoot ke GWK
  • dlu aku g GWK ni sempat utk makan jek. kali ni sempat nk explore and tgok secara dekat patung2 yg giler besar kat situ
  • kali ni pegi Uluwatu agak awal, so x kena serang dgn monyet2 yg notty tu la. btw, dorg da ada buat mini 'swimming pool' for the monkey. mmg seronok la tgok monyet2 yg comel tu bermandi-mandian
  • layan sunset and dinner at Jimbaran Bay. tp kali ni asik kena gigit dgn semut api jek. yela, ada org yg buang kulit2 seafood tu kat atas pasir. silap langkah mmg terpijak laluan semut2 api tu la. mmg berbisa, abes bintat2 kaki den. 
  • activiti malam2, pegi Kuta Beach area. shopping at Hard Rock Shop, menimbunkan lagi 'HR' shirt collection daku. pegi new mall of Beachwalk, jmpe perfume Victoria's Secret yg murah dlm RM40 for 30ml. mkn kfc (skrg sume KFC & McD kat Indonesia dah Halal, x macam 5 thun lps), pegi buat body massage at 65,000 rupiah

nampak tempting takk???
ada plak anak org bermandi-mandian kat sini
tempat shooting Projek Memikat Suami

naaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkk!!! sgt
kan da ckp, ada swimming pool utk monyet. special giler!

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