Friday, July 01, 2011

Bali --> my 2nd trip ^_^

Pejam celik pejam celik dah 2 kali aku g Bali… Pejam celik lg, dah 2 weeks aku balik dr sane. Klu pejam celik xpejam2 lagi, agak2 ape jadik kat aku?? Nak arrange group kali ni agak memeningkan + jiwa kacao.. even 10 org jek yg confirm pegi... beza sesangat ngan group Bali last Feb; even in total ada 200 org.. tp x sepening cm group nih… layann kan ajeee..

b'beza nya kali ini...

..  this time naik Air Asia. Pegi nek Air Asia Indonesia (QZ). xleh lupe signage dia "Kencangkan Sabuk Pengaman selama anda duduk" - in English "Fasten Seat Belt while seated"
... "Banyak kopor yang mirip" - in English "Many bags are alike" oh Kopor means Bags
.. first time ada pax yg tak jumpa baggage dia masa kat airport sane (baggage delay). Then, dah soh org yg jg belt tu carik. wat report with airlines staff, Pak Dwi name dia. next day bru beg dijumpai. They all hantar troz ke hotel. Rase2nye dorg t'cicir kat LCCT.. sian kat pax. kalau la bnda cmni happen kat aku... aishhh!! damn! x pasal2 jek nnt sume duet blnja + shopping aku kena spend utk beli necessary things lak. Hopefully that poor pax dpt claim full insurance utk kes nih includes expenses dia beli toiletries and clothes. (leh claim up to RM6K or RM200 for every 6 hrs delay). However, hope sape2 yg pnah or akan face unexpected things like this, kalau beg dah ilang tu jgn la demand bukan2 lak. Pkai jela ape yg ada, ape yg jumpe, ape yg participants lain willing to share; even u guys pye skin sgt2 sensitive. Darurat maa… what to expect? Xkn nk g beli SKII kat kedai2 tepi jln.
.. all pax are Chinese. wish aku dpt recall ckp Mandarin~~ they are lovely, caring and friendly!
.. stay at Grand Istana Rama. Traditional Balinese 4 star hotel yg one row ngan Mercure, Kuta Seaview, Harris & Hard Rock (15mins walk only). Located at Kuta Beach Road. Bilik besar with bathtub.. hotel luas, leh sesat huhuhu. Klu breakfast, facing the beach. Pagi2 tgok org surfing. Sebaek aku xpndai swimming..klu x dah melompat atas board tuh. Café dia serve fresh fruits & mlm2 leh lepaks kt Tequila Bar
.. Australian Holiday (June > Sept every year). So, hotel byk yg fulled
.. try Bali spa & massage at Galuh Bali Spa. Soft punye, around USD30 for 2hrs massage. I prefer Thai massage yg extreme tuh. Yg Bali spa ni include body massage + scrub + milk bath
.. dpt tgok Kechak Dance (at Uluwatu Temple) and Barong & Kris Dance (at Batubulan Village)
.. saksikan sndirik cmne those naughty monkeys rampas glasses dpn mata. cian sorg pax tu, kena cakar...
.. enjoy the sunset kat Uluwatu temple
.. mkn lobster, spaghetti, ketam, bebek (itik) and tgok dorg mkn babi guling
.. mkn kat Jimbaran – kali ni mkn kat atas pasirrr. yet, xdpt beli jagung bakar, cause terlalu kenyang
.. Kintamani – active volcano and Lake Batur. Nice view with cool atmosphere. Less than 2 hrs journey from Kuta town; via Ubud. Shop handmade mcm silver, souvenir, batik, painting and wood carving at Celuk and Mas Villages. Ubud ni sesuwai for honeymooner. peaceful + privacy
.. those yg art lover, mmg sesuwai g Bali nih. Byk statue, carved – batu or kayu.. furnitures.. painting..
.. Shopping at Discovery Shopping Mall (Sogo – sini pon ada Sogo gak tau).. mane2 ada sales. “less up to 70%”
.. again, Bali known as an “Island of Gods”, “Island of Temples” and here the people mostly are Hindu. Muslim maybe less than 5% community…
.. like the view of paddy field.
.. Bedugul – also less than 2 hrs away. Ada stopby tmp Kopi Luwak (tgok binatang yg name dia Luwak. And this kind of coffee HARAM diminum since dia dr tahi luwak nih. Mahall lak tuh), Vanilla (tgok pokok vanilla yg mcm orkid. rupe2nye yg male and female kena kawenkan, pastu kluar benih. yg benih tu la yg dikeringkan and digunakan utk pewangi, bhn masakan bla bla bla), Ginseng, Coffee,etc
.. Tanah Lot. Kali ni pegi time air surut. so, dpt jln2 ke temple area. Btol2 tepi laut. Shopping mcm biase. Ada holy snake - kepercayaan org sane r, pjg cite nye... alpokat juice (avocado)
.. Durian! (ni la penyebab aku dmam) ... rase cm our local durian.. + expensive
.. Surprise bday party + choc cakes + vanilla ice cream + karaoke
.. Guide – Pak Nyoman Karsana yg sgt2 best. Nyoman, Kadek, Ketut and Made tu mcm along, angah, uda, achik... I nyoman karsana : karsana tu name dia. i (pronounce ie) tu means lelaki, while nyoman tu i x ingat. yg i ingat, made (pronounce madey) tu ank no 2, and ketut tu ank no 4.bukan kentut, okeh
.. Enjoy coffee at Starbucks sblh Hard Rock Shop
.. Kuta beach time pg sgt2 best. tp time mlm not so nice. dah la gelap, ramai local ppl hang out.
.. Local word. Pulsa : Topup. Apotek : Kedai Runcit

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