Monday, June 30, 2014

PANGKOR lagiiii ^^

baaaaru jek pegi Pangkor on last 13-14 Jan with my beloved family. pastu on 8 - 9 Feb kena pegi lagiii slps dipujuk rayu dgn Mr Boyfriend. actually mls nk join trip ni sbb trip dia dgn opismate dia, they are celebrating a bachelorette party for Azah in Pangkor. her wedding was held on 5th April. yela, aku takk rapat kenal sgt dgn dorg2 tuh. pujuk punye pujuk, last2 last minute aku decided to join. cpt2 pack barang walhal tgh plan nk basuh baju tghari tuh. rushed to Ampang, sbb dorg pegi wedding kwn dorg kat area2 situ dlu. then, myself + My Boyfriend naik 1 kete, Fatihah + Roszian + Zami + Taufiq naik 1 kete; and Azah + Razin naik lg 1 kete. Azah & Razin gerak lmbt sket, de keje kat opis katanya. igt nk konvoi but then Zami drive laju mcm peleset. ok, fine! kete myvi Fatihah tu 1.5cc, kete aku 1.1cc jek :(

tp... ktrg sampai jetty at the same time. sbb dorg ikut Exit Ipoh. aku & Mr Boyfriend aku lak ikut Exit Sungkai. kire mcm ikut shortcut r. lepak2 makan cendol/ABC/Air kelapa + char kuey teow/laksa smbil2 tunggu Azah & Razin sampai. pastu ktrg tapau KFC sbb nnt kat hotel xde mknn lak. ktrg x amek buffet dinner kat hotel. mahal, kate dorg dlm $75++. in addition, my colleague told me that the BBQ dinner was lousy based on her experience. Azah & Razin were arrived on time. then, ktrg naik ferry direct to Pangkor Island Beach Resort at 7pm. it is the last private ferry from the mainland.

Lumut Jetty. and the Geng
sampai jetty, ada pick-up van transfer to hotel

Pangkor Island Beach jetty

can you see Teluk Dalam Resort from here?

bilik ktrg yg aku bulatkan merah tu. Garden View
this hotel layout is taken from internet. lupe mane aku letak layout given by hotel

layan dinner KFC smbil view pantai nan gelap &
hotel's Kingfisher Pool & Hornbill Restaurant
after dinner, ktrg jalan2 kat pantai, main ping pong, main snooker, layan live band from Philippine and tdo!

layan sunrise?? matahari terbit from the other side, syg

the Pacific Pool

Breakfast at Hornbill Restaurant. oh ya, byk hornbill berterbangan kat sini tau

ada burung merak (peacock) tgh buat free show. he just attracted monkeys to come afterwards

mandi laut. the guys kena jellyfish. abes merah 1 bdn.
pastu ktrg mandi kat Pacific Pool + swimming lesson
after check-out and while waiting for the transfer time + ferry back to Lumut Jetty
i was here!

balik tu, ktrg ikut jln kampung. Lumut>Sabak Bernam>Kuala Selangor>LATAR-Shah Alam>Puchong.
singgah makan SATE kat Tg. Karang
oh ya, aku baru tau yg Pangkor Island Beach Resort is ex-The Pan Pacific Resort Pangkor. it's a 4 star hotel. my point of view, the Garden View room is big maybe because we took the quad-sharing room. limited of plug to charge our handphones. the bathroom is huge but i dont really like it. and our room's air-cond leaking that night :( but nothing the hotel staff can do to solve the issue, then i just put an extra towel on the floor.
Similar like Teluk Dalam Resort, this resort also closed from July till further notice for major renovation.
ktrg spent RM200 sorg

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