Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hobby bebaru vs Hobby lelame

Few days back aku ade fill-up a job vacancy form. i'm not sure (can't recall) for what company, but i'm sure it's for a government sector. there's a column asking what is your "Hobi/Kegemaran". wow the hardest question ever! compared to working experiences.. ape aku nk tulis ek? pedulik la apa HR tu nk pk ape, aku isi jek 'sejujurnya' - Melancong, Berniaga, Menjahit, Melukis, Blogging bla bla bla.. skali isi, agak banyak rupe2nye hobi daku ini..

Tetibe baru terpikir, ape ek yg aku btol2 gemar? the most! nak 1 bnda jek. in fact, the question is asking for one (1) single hobby only, not hobbies.. (xpela, da submit pon form tuh - Bismillah, hopefully leh dpt keje tuh). Aku pon 'stadi' balik ape yg aku hobi aku apart from those cliche things like other people do ---> dating (watching movies, hang out with friends, travelling...bla bla bla) well, i've noticed some (still, more than one) cause there's plenty of stuff i enjoy myself to do. that's the important part, right? whatever we do, yang penting kite happy doing it. Cheers!!  

i love drawing. i added the P.Seni subject during SPM time but i only scored for 3B =( i do have few scratch books for my experimental design huhu. including lukis plan "rumah idaman" hehehe. dlu mse kecik2, dak pompuan yg sebaya suke lukis2 gmbo baju kan? konon2 fashion designer r. tp aku, lukis plan rumah. konon2 interior designer r. ade gak apply course tuh tym isi form UPU, tp xde rezeki r...
aku suke melukis dinding. menconteng actually.. sesuka hati aku jek, tp aku sronok (kids, dont do this at home!) klu x dpt conteng, aku tampal2 sticker. hahaha nowadays kan byk org jual wall sticker nih. menyemak jek, tp aku suke!. sronok kot~~

aku suke edit2 gmbo kat photoshop. ahahaha kakak aku yg ajo sbb dlu aku tgok dia suke 'buang' pimple kat gmbo dia.  it's good when we know how to use this kind of software. berlagak hebat la leh design frontpage magazine utk asgmt IT tym degree dlu. pastu aku suke super impose, tp kat gmbo aku jela. xde keje nk wat kat gmbo2 artis. aku ade gmbo2 aku yg lg best utk di'edit'
pc aku kat umah da rosak, n pc kat opis x support adobe. too bad! skrg klu ade bnda penting, aku edit kat 'Paint' jek. downgrade btol!

aku suke main jigsaw puzzle. dr kecik parents suke beli puzzle2 yg size kecik jugak. sesuwai dgn tahap.. plg byk gambar Ninja Turtle. pastu, da remaja sket aku main yg 500pcs; aku leh wat dlm mse 2 hari jek. tp klu 1000pcs... hmmm aku jz buat ikut huruf/number kat blkg dia jek. main tipu, kn. ape, ingat senang?? kat kmpong aku ade berlambak2 puzzle yg aku da siapkan. ade yg da frame, ada yg mak aku ltk atas meja living room, ade yg aku cover ngan plastic jek... macam2 ada. main puzzle ni mmg mencabar, tp once da siap mmg x kn smpai ati nk selerakkan n main skali lg. bile dpt siapkan mmg ada kepuasan kat situ.. cume, x tau nk wat ape dah pastuh. cost nk frame agak mahal, so biar jela....
aku main 'CubeeCraft'!1 patong siap dlm sejam.. saket2 bahu buat

cite ni xdela cite 10thun dlu, tp cite thun lps. tym aku obses maen "Mall World" kat FB. 1st n last game aku main online. leh bce post lame aku psl ni kat sini. da smpai 1 tahap, rase cm borink la plak. sbb tu da lame x main game ni dah. da retired. tp tym ngah obses arituh, aku smpai create 1 account baru kat FB sbb nk account lg 1 tu vote my 'fashion show' aku. huahahaha keje gile, kan?
since my boipren belikan android last month, aku gile maen "Angry Bird"! poyo jek ckp kat dia "u x yah la install angry bird, i bukan main pon. u install jek tetris ke monopoly kew...." skrg, hambek ko! everyday maen game tuh. geram kot bile babi tu gelakkan klu kite x dpt bunuh dorg. dammit!

aku nih jenis org yg cpt boring.. excited kejap jek. pastu carik activity lain...
whatever it is.. yg penting kite enjoy buat sume2 tuh

kata Cik Azs: da lame gak tak menjahit manik ye....

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