Monday, July 07, 2014

Travelling + Collecting

Next entry is about South Korea trip. Tp aku ade more than 1000 pictures (blum kire gambar taken by Along lg), delay dlu la yek. Sume cantik2 sbb South Korea mmg cantik. jalan setapak, snap 5-10 gambar. tu blom kire yg selfie lg. N ktrg bkn pegi Seoul jek, pegi Sorak-San skali at the east part.

In the meantime, jom tgok ape benda yg aku slalu simpan sebagai kenang-kenangan mase travel....

1) Fridge magnet!! 

ni typical items slalu org collect. Hamboii, penuh 1 fridge sampai dah lupe motif asal magnet tuh.
UPDATE : betol ke fridge magnet byk2 x bagus utk makanan dlm fridge tu?

X cukup tempat? Jgn risau, belah kiri kanan fridge pon bolehhhh. Lum terpikir nk tambah lg 1 fridge semata nk ltk magnet nih. But actually magnet ni boleh merosakkn peti ais korg especially klu magnet tu super power cam yg aku beli kt Taiwan or Macau or Spore. Bile nk cabut, ada kesan la plak. Aishhh!! dlu aku pnah buat entry psl fridge magnet ni. Boleh la compare dlu punye collection dgn la ni punye.

actually byk gak yg dah pecah or tertanggal magnet. lantak piii la

2) Keychain
Ni trend lama, sblum org bg fridge magnet as souvenir. Tp kurg practical sbb 1 org plg byk pon ada 3 set kunci jek. Kunci rumah, kunci kete n kunci office. See, punyela byk tp last2 msok dlm kotak. Cause yg ini, org lain yg bg. ada lagi, slain yg kat dlm gambar ni. kire merata la aku letak.

Last2, aku pkai few jek. Key holder yg comel lote cam mushroom house ni aku beli kt Bangkok; keychain aku pkai just bell tower Perth n strawberries from Cameron Highlands. utk office key, aku pkai Hong Kong keychain. car key, x pyh nk keychain sgt. Bising!! key holder yg cute tu ada jual kat groupon gak. aritu aku ade nampak, tp besar sgt. sebesar tapak tangan, hambek ko!

3) Duit luar negara
Actually bukan collect pon. Ni duet kocik2 yg x abes pkai or money changer x trime. Or simpan for the next trip, penting tu. Sbb time tukar duet, slalunye money changer tu bg big notes. Then bile arrive at the destination, 1st stop tu plak stall yg xde nk pulangkan duet baki byk2 or sometimes nk bg tips kt hotel's porter ke, xkn nak bg upah byk2 plak sbb tolong angkat kan beg kite yg comel tu jek, ye dak??

Dlm collection aku, coin plg cinonet syiling dr Thai Baht 25cents tu (duit M'sia jdk 2.5sen jek). Plg besar plak 20cents Aussie yg ada gmbr platypus tuh (dlm 60sen). Plg cun coins from Hong Kong. Curve berliku2 cam bunga or yg ada tulisan kt tepi cam cincin tu.

tolong jgn rompak sy. ni nilai dia bape hengget jek

4) Boarding Pass
Ni tak slalu org collect, ape ke jadah nak simpan? lps sette immigration n baggage claims, org buang jek. X penting dah. Tp aku suke collect especially yg cantik or klu aku naik flight slain MAS or Air Asia. Tu ada boarding pass KLM, Thai Airways,  Srilankan Airlines,  Vietnam Airlines,  Cathay Pacific and Korean Air. some people loves to collect sticker tagging check in baggage tu. Abes 1 beg penuhh. Tp aku x suke sbb tkot bag aku tu dihantar ke airport lain lak. Wat nayee jek.

5) T-shirt
dah macam berniaga kat pasar plak
Some people suke collect "I Love...." shirt, cth macam I Love MY. Some suke collect Hard Rock t-shirt. Aku x collect, tp aku rse dr byk2 benda, tshirt la yg plg berguna. But harus igt, different countries different measurement. Sometimes, 'S' size tu just fit dgn aku, some just nice, some to small n some a bit loose. Klu beli utk diri sendirik ok la. Tp klu belikn utk org lain, better ukur bahu org tu pkai tali tip or pkai jengkal. Some with good quality, some kain keras n some sgt nipis.. So kena pndai2 lak carik.
dari byk2 tu, ni jek yg aku slalu pakai

6) Luggage Tag 
Ni special sket sbb ni related with my projects. Some designs mmg idea aku. 

Process dia senang jek: design, print with personalized name, laminate, punch hole n tie kat baggage. Tada!!!

tips: sbb kat belt/conveyor (airport) tu maybe ada beg yg size / color / design yg look similar like ur bag. tagging ni shows beg tu kamu yg punya... slain ikat ribbon la. ribbon tu spaya dr jauh dah nampak. in case baggage hilang/delay pon, klu de tagging, memudahkan ground handler crew tolong carikkan

<--- Tourism Indonesia yg bagi. ikat pkai cable ties or special tie mcm gini

Ok, inilah 6 benda mengarot yg aku suke buat utk semakkan rumah. What about you?

Mungkinkah anda seorang pengumpul hotel's room key??
haa kantoi x return to receptionist

Or maybe entrance tickets??

bags? mug coaster? kasut? perfume? apron? local newspaper? phone casing? accessories?
local wishing card? postcard? bookmark? chopsticks? kain? envelope opener? nail clipper? 
hotel's toiletries?? huhu aku jugak lah tu

"Happy Collecting!!!"

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