Thursday, April 05, 2012

Ganu... here i come!!

post kali ni xde kena mengena dgn travel. kali ni aku ke negeri org sbb AKU DPT KEJE BARU!!!! still in this Tourism line (L.O.V.E Tourism so much!) but no more Miss Travel Consultant. my new title agak gempak, but yeah it comes with bigger responsibility.

ok, actually aku jenjalan Kelantan arituh sbb aku ade interview. ever heard this name --> KIST atau name pjg dia Kolej Islam Sains & Teknologi. here's their webpage: klu x pnah dgar r (macam aku)

skali tgok, agak surprising! KIST ni one of the big college kat Pantai Timur. they focus more on medical assistant, nursing and of course Islamic courses such as Syariah.. they have their own travel agency. but, the best part is they have Aviation academy.. dgn name lain, akademi fantasia pilot! even UiTM pon xde couse nk jdk juruterbang, okeh.. lalala UiTM masih dihatiku

start keje kat Kampus Kuala Berang next month.. masih belum prepare pape. i'll be a PROGRAM CORDINATOR.. sounds crazy? nahhh but that's the fact. i me myself cannot believe this. as im applying for a tourism lecturer post. tp kalau dorg confident aku leh handle, why must aku demotivated myself, rite? experience slame ni leh aku pkai in future.. x sia2 aku nanges2 & work hard all this while.

actually, yesterday was my last day here. andai ditanya kenape aku masih disini? sbb aku selesa bekerja; nk hargai hari2 terakhir di tmp aku carik rezeki slame 3 thun nih; nk lepaks dgn they all before g jaooohhhh; and to settle my big project.. tanggungjawab, beb! how can i leave just like that? especially to my boss (he's still my boss) yg da byk bntu aku slame nih. i want to be a gud leader as gud as him

wish me luck, guys!

kata Cik Azs: kejar cita2.. bile peluang ada dpn mata, why must i let it go?