Monday, May 16, 2011


something came up
... even blog ni supposed i leh post ape2 jek yg i suke, post ape2 jek yg i nk. tapi... i xnk sakiti hati sesiape

so, i terpaksa tukar link i supaya page i xdpt dikesan kat search engine tuh, buang sume personal stori i and sume personal picture i yg ada kaitan ngan org lain. especially cite i yg plg 'meletup' tu smpai 94 viewer (as per last day aku view balik post psl si "penipu" tuh). xtaula.. ntah2 org yg same yg bace cite tuh. hmmm

dah delete dah post neh


so, skunk i'll concentrate cecite psl jalan2 around the world ~~

oh ya, i still owe cite psl Taiwan + Vietnam and skunk tmbh lak cite S'pore.
damn! busy sgt recently. xsempat nk mengarang

tungguuuuu yek

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