Saturday, February 12, 2011

I've been to SHANGHAI WorldExpo 2010

waahhh proud to be me huhuhu
mustila proud, sbb bukan sng nk g world expo nih
thanks to Double A, sbb amek ktrg and sbb confirmed trip nih

i've been there! that was on last September 2010. during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. taking MAS flight - night flight, arrive Shanghai early in the morning. transfer to Hangzhou. kind of weird, when seeing the driver on our left side.

look at the signboard. interesting huh!
Tour guide tu pelik jek tgok aku amek2 gmbo jln la. signage la
kat M'sia xde cmnih
ade lg 1, kat tar jln dia ade tulis 40 50 60 (speed limit)
giler best

my colleague who went there 1 week before, and another colleague who've been there 1 month before me; told me that the weather there was damn hot & dried. so, there's no need to bring along my sweater. Unfortunately, there was HEAVY rain from the day we arrived at the airport till the day we leaved Shanghai. Grrrrrr ku sangkakan panas hingga ke ptg, rupa nya ujan di tgh hari. thanks to Double A for the useful umbrella

Arrived Hangzhou, 3 hrs later. having a "tasteless" lunch. Check-in at Braim Hotel. Visit the West Lake on boat at Flowers Harbor. 3 rounds. the funny guide, Mr Jonathan told us NOT to eat the black corn.
dyed corn. euwww
We taste a Dragon Well Green Tea at tea village.
still rainy
Window shopping at the Mingqing He Fang Street (also known as the Culture Street). Ate the local lamb sate and kebab.
most of Halal Rstn ade sate kat dpn kdai dia
back to Shanghai..
it's all about traffic jammed, no parking no waiting and the beautiful building + design,
stayed at New Century Hotel
one of the building. kat sane dahsyat2 design dia
pucuk rebung TM tu kire plg cikai r
shopping at the Pedestrian Nanjing Road. I bought a jacket at Me & City @ RMB 249 (after less), have to cause i cant stand with the cooling athmosphere. FYI, you need to devide two the figure in order to know the rate in Ringgit M'sia. means, my jacket cost me about RM 125 plus minus. current currency 46.5. log-on to money changer, for the exact figure.
the bund,
tuuuu dia
shopping at the crowded Yu Garden,
yg ni menarik. dorg ngah tgok cite dlm tuh,
pastu apek tepi tu story teller dia.
nk try, tp xpaham mandarin lak
fresh water pearl shop,
cube teka, dlm 'sekor' tiram ade bp byk pearl??
Taopao City and Silk Store.
Dinner at Uyghur Restaurant (kedai Taher), d best restaurant ever. 3x mkn kat sini. huhu
pstu kan, boleh plak waiter dia psg lagu kuat2, ajk dance.. org nepal / pakistan rase2 nyer

The Best Part : Shanghai Expo
roti canai,
abg tebar ni import dr Penang. b'bulan r duk sane. confirm kaya. cz (sorry, harga kat board tu x clear) the price of 1 set of roti canai @ RMB 45 (25hengget!). fuyooo mahaiiii... it comes with ice cream and chocolate. sebaek la sodap. siap leh tapau lagi, besar sgt x abes mkn.

Malaysia pavilion,
best, cz kat dpn tu ade cultural performance. ade zapin tym aku smpai. pastu pavilion kite ni ade 2 tingkat. kat dlm ye, dr luar ni xnmpk. ade mini klcc, ade org utan, wau, batik etc yg pasti, promo our local product. yg x best, cafe dia jual mknn x halal. so, ktrg pegi ke...

kakak ni jual nasi2

others countries: ni negara2 yg b'jy aku tawan dlm mse 1 hri


  1. terbaek yo.. thanks
    rezeki masing2

  2. besnye dpt bjln die , fad zaman bile ntah . :(

    uit , nak add fad add la , insyaallah approve , jgn risaula ok !

    ni link die!/profile.php?id=100001717347024
    kalo xmau , search nama pengemis dunia ok !

  3. yg gmbo ngah button up bju eh?
    u app ye
