Saturday, December 20, 2014

Holiday Villa Langkawi

Holiday Villa Langkawi

Seperti yang aku pernah canang kat entry aku setahun setengah yang lepas, kat Langkawi ni aku pernah stay kat Langkawi Lagoon – Kuala Muda, Meritus Pelangi – Pantai Cenang, The Andaman Resort – Datai dan Century Suria Condominium – Kuah.

Last November, I stayed at one of Langkawi hotels at Pantai Tengah area. Pantai Tengah ni tak jauh dari Pantai Cenang. Kalau pergi public beach kat Pantai Cenang (famous with the water-sport activities), perasan tak Aseania Resort kat junction tu? Alaah, 3 star resort yang besar macam castle tu – which have the longest swimming pool in Malaysia (154.4m long)… ok, masuk simpang ke arah Selatan – itulah Pantai Tengah. Apparently, pantai tu bukanlah berada di tengah2 Pulau Langkawi ye.

‘long story short’, aku duduk kat Holiday Villa Beach Resort & Spa; next to its ‘sister’ resort - Federal Villa. Besides these 2 hotels in Langkawi, Holiday Villa has another 7 hotels in Malaysia; and coming soon akan tambah lagi 3 hotels kat KLCC, Selayang dan JB. As for international, there are more than 15 hotels worldwide. Banyak nyer…. So, I expect high for their standard.

Well, I expected too high. Agak terkejut dan frust sebab… it’s an old hotel (old room, old lobby, old building) and doesn’t reflects 4 star hotel at all. Tolong la renovate kasi cunn and modern sket – like what other hotels did. Ok, bersangka baik – even though they don’t have an up-to-date design, but it looks classic and traditional. Haaa positive nye mak jemah arini. I tried to check when their last renovation was, but I didn’t find any information about that. Some said, last time they did renovated the lobby area.
second thought, if one day dorg renovate hotel ni, of course the room rate will be increased. contoh macam Meritus Pelangi, last time aku stayed sana last April 2012. masa tu Meritus tengah renovate hotel phase-by-phase. room rate time tu, still RM400++ per room per night. soon after they has done full renovation, price boom jadik RM700++ per room per night. 
Lobby @ Holiday Villa
belanja satu gambar aku kat lobby =)

and my Deluxe room :
personally i like the bathroom, got a lot of mirror in every angle
Dekat dengan lobby, ground floor, mine with sofa bedgarden view, tapi takde balcony; cause only Premium Room has. Plus, nearby Lagenda Restaurant too. For me, I don’t like the breakfast on our first morning. Below average. Know why? Because that day, we were planning to leave the hotel for Pulau Payar at 7am, so we had our breakfast as early at 6am. Thus the food was not ready. Roti canai keras, dressing for nasi lemak bersepah-sepah, apa pon tak sedap! Dan… tak banyak choice. Tapi, dinner and breakfast on our last day there were better. Especially for the dinner, ada grill and other hot selection. Itu saya bagi 4 bintang! They said this Holiday Villa has the best Omelette ever! For me, “ok lah, dia ada letak cheese yang sedap”. Not to forget, the mushroom soup is yummeyh!!
Lagenda Rstn
Warning signage bout the jellyfish..
Best nye! Best nye!… sebab ada Private Beach. But sadly, aku tak berkesempatan nak lepak-lepak pantai & mandi laut.. sebab schedule quite tight during that visit. Musim hujan pulak tu (year-end kaannnn). Hujan pon hujan lah, aku redah jek sebab memang suka bab2 exploring nih. Aku pergi area swimming pool, and I saw the open-air Jacuzzi
swimming pool and the jacuzzi
Plan nak pergi ushar the new La Villa poolclub & restaurant tu, but the rain gets heavier. So aku berteduh bawah pokok. Yang ni kot orang duk complaint pasal kena bayar additional RM25 for this private pool. Then, nak explore pantai pon tak boleh, sebab tak nak seluar jeans aku yang dah basah ni berpasir. Nak view sunset pon tak dapat, sebab tengah hujan. Nak tanya hotel staff pasal Ladies Indoor Swimming Pool, tak pulak nampak staff dorang time hujan2 tuh. Apatah lagi nak tanya pasal water sport activities. Teringin sangat nak try parasailing tau *mengidam*. Tapi nasibbaik jugak tak mandi pantai cause here’s a testimony from one guest (staying at Holiday Villa 2 days after my visit), in tripadvisor she wrote : “I would said this is not the right time to get in the beach. A lot of jellyfish and in fact they are really active at this time. Please avoid the beach”. Phew!! In addition, in tripadvisor other guest also complaints about the old design as well as about mosquitoes. Mungkin masa tu bukan musim mengawan, so aku takdelah kena serang dengan nyamuk walhal tengah “darah manis” nih.

water sport xtvt takde time hujan
kan da cakap time tu tgh hujan lebat... sempat lagi nk selfie

Last but not least, we requested to have a telematch game at the hotel. The hotel offered 6 games which are Turtle Egg Thief, Waterbag Pitcher, Egg Race, Kangaroo Cucumber, Gunny Sack Race and Tug of War. Those who are interested to have telematch at this hotel, no worries; as they won’t use the real eggs. By the way, they have their own instructor. The original plan was to have the game on the beach. Tapi nak buat macam mana, hujan lebat… so, we moved to the hall (jadik la indoor game) behind the Lagenda Restaurant.

gambar ni jek yang clear sbb less movement
kalau tak hujan, telematch buat kat sini
Oh ya, I heard that this hotel also have a Salt Cave. Bagus ke salt cave ni? Selalu nampak kat groupon or streetdeal. Spa and massage at this hotel is quite expensive. We would suggest you to have the better and cheaper nearby Underwater World, Pantai Cenang. Dekat je dengan hotel, 20mins walk or take a taxi which will cost you around 10 ringgit

UPDATE : Thanks for the Christmas Cake!

1 comment:

  1. Superb event! Holiday Villa Langkawi is really popular as the best party venue. I also booked this place on last year’s holiday party. The venue is very spacious and the interior décor is just tremendous. I highly recommend this venue!
