Tuesday, December 16, 2014

a special message

Had a great weekend getaway with my closest friends. Need to do this more often as it is good for the soul. If you guys are reading this… yes, you know who you are… Fatiha, Feeza, Aini and Yda.

Somehow I knew they do really-really visiting this blog. Oh come on, we blogger have a record for that purpose called “Stats”.

I accidently told them that I own a blog. Since korang dah tau nih, I’m gonna force you guys to keep visiting. Tak kire! And for what I’ve 'kutuk' in my older entries, sorry I’m not gonna delete them. Wekk!!

We have been friends for ages, 12 years to be exact. Wow! We had surpassed the phase where we can just forgive and forget. Tend to ‘cakap lepas’ on purpose. Huhu So, do I forgiven?

Enjoy reading and please support my blog, gurls. May our friendship remain beautifully simple and true.

“Always keep people in your life that charge you battery, not those who will drain it” 
~ unknown

Oh ya, talking bout battery… “Aini, where’s my phone charger?!!” heip!!

jom carik mcm ni


  1. Replies
    1. amboiiii... sape yang TERambil charger tu dia lah yang kena pulangkan... huhu

  2. BTW uollzzz, Lili pon ada blog jugak --> http://notaniz.blogspot.com/
    tapi x 'active' macam Aini. huhu
